Cartoon big head cat 3D Model

Technical details
File Size 5.78 MB
Textures No
Materials Yes
Polygons 130232
Vertices 65524

High Detailed 3D Cartoon Animal of Big Head Cat

Introducing the perfect addition to any 3D design project – the 3D model of the big head cat! This high detailed 3D cartoon animal is available in various 3D file formats, including .3ds, .c4d, .lwo, and .lws, making it easy to incorporate into your scene. Whether you are working on CG works, 3D visualization, animation, or 3D games, this model is perfect for you. Additionally, it is free to download, making it an accessible option for anyone looking to enhance their computer graphics applications. So why wait? Download this 3D-object today and elevate your design projects to the next level!

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